front porch overhang and repair/replacement of posts

new posts on several of these, repair on others, work on soffit/overhang as well

added soffit vents

main house decking on back deck

several of the posts on the main house needed replaced and or rebuilt.

main house west decks rebuilt

main house soffits

main house soffit new vents

column rebuild

exterior subfloor rebuild

working on columns

column base & top

new column in progress

lotta debris, eh?

hard at work on the porch/deck

beneath the porch/deck

caretaker house porch post work and siding

new decking, rails, posts on guest house

guest house porch work

front porch of guest house in progress

guest house front porch & post & rail rebuild

west side caretaker house

garage on caretaker house

garage area of main house
Restoration and repair of porches, decks, soffits, posts & fascia on Flint Hills Ranch (main house, caretaker house and guest bunk house.)